
PolyDice Potions – Potion themed dice for tabletop gamers

Created by Creature Curation

7-piece dice sets inspired by classic RPG spells. Each magical set comes with a rounded plastic potion bottle and a corked stopper.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit 80% Complete + Moving on to Production
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 02:15:38 PM

Hello Trusty Backers!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. As of yesterday, 80% of you have filled out Backerkit. If you haven't received your email or can't remember how to get to it, you can do so here.

At the 80% mark, I feel confident with finalizing numbers on all the different pieces of this project and have begun the process of getting manufacturing started.

So what have I done?

  • Sent final order quantities to the dice manufacturer
  • Sent final order quantities & art files to the pin manufacturer
  • Sent final order quantities to the vial manufacturer
  • Sent final order quantities and art files to the topper manufacturer
  • Sent final order quantities & art files to the printer who will make the labels, potion racks, and shipper boxes

So what's next?

I will get invoices from all of the different folks involved, pay those, and then manufacturing will begin on all but the printed items. I will first get digital proofs of those, and then printed samples to approve before production can be started on those items. 

When will you get your dice?

It is too hard to say at this point, but I will keep you updated along the way. There are a lot of different manufacturers involved with this project and the world still isn't back to normal from Covid. 

Chance to win a bunch of dice and one of my sculptures

If you like dice (which if you backed this project, I am pretty sure you do) there is an awesome giveaway that Infinite Black has put together for our upcoming Vast Grimm project. Not only can you win a ton of rad dice, but you can also win one of my sculptures.  Please check it out here.

As always, thanks for being a part of this adventure!


Backerkit launching soon!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 05:06:43 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!

I know it has been a few weeks since the end of the campaign and all has been quiet here. I was waiting for the money to come in from Kickstarter to then pay Backerkit for their help with advertising this project. That process took a little longer than it had with previous campaigns.

Survey Completion

That being said, the surveys from Backerkit should start going out today or tomorrow. Once you receive your survey, please complete it as soon as you can. You will not get charged for shipping at this time. I will wait to process those fees until we are about to ship everything out, and I will give you plenty of notice prior to charging it.

Once I have about 90% of the surveys completed I will place the order with my manufacturer. So, the sooner you pick out which shiny math rocks you want, the sooner we can get them to you. 

Something New

In the background, while all of this has been going on, I have been hard at work on a new RPG project Vast Grimm. If you are into Sci-Fi Horror you should totally check it out

As always, thank you for being a part of my quest!!!


Thanks to you, We Did It!!!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 26, 2021 at 10:49:24 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!!!

Thank you so much for helping make PolyDice Potions a success! 

What's Next?

It will probably be 2-3 weeks before the money from Kickstarter gets sent to me. Once that happens I will open up Backerkit so that you can select all of the dice and Add-ons that you would like. 

I am hoping we will be able to finalize that in a short amount of time so that I will have a good idea of the quantities I need to have produced. 

When Will I Be Charged for Add-Ons & Shipping?

I will not make any charges in Backerkit until we are close to shipping. When that time comes I will be sure to give you plenty of notice so that you are prepared for it.


I think that about wraps it up for now. If you have questions or want to reach out Join our Discord here. You can also email me here.

This wouldn't have happened without you, thank you!


BIG UPDATE! All Colors Unlocked!!!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, May 22, 2021 at 04:11:03 AM

Hello Trusty Backers,

I've been watching the campaign go up and down and listening to people's concerns about the last two colors not unlocking. After a great discussion with my manufacturer, I was able to adjust my initial estimated order quantity to a lower number and keep my same pricing. This means that as long as this funds, I can create all 5 sets!

If you've adjusted your pledge to 3 sets from 5, you can now confidently change it back. Or if you were hoping Acid Splash or Eldritch Blast would unlock, they are now available!

Thank you so much for being a part of this. We are really close to funding now, and I still have a few tricks up my sleeve if we get past the other two stretch goals. 


Inching Closer & Updated Stretch Goals
almost 3 years ago – Thu, May 20, 2021 at 07:54:17 AM

Hello Trusty Backers!

We are getting very close to reaching the funding goal! With only a week left, I wanted to go ahead and share more of the stretch goals.

I'm hopeful we can make it to these or come really close.

Thanks for being a part of this project!
